7 Strategies To Avoid Holiday Stress

7 Strategies To Avoid Holiday Stress

Seriously, Why Are The Holidays So Stressful?

Sure, everybody loves The Holidays. Still, somehow the most wonderful time of the year has a way of turning into the most stressful time of the year if we’re not careful. With so much build-up and anticipation, it can feel like our family’s happiness is literally riding on our execution of a perfect holiday. With all that pressure on ourselves, we end up frazzled, crabby and burned out. But it doesn’t need to be that way…Really, we promise!

Around these parts we believe Good Cheer shouldn't come at the expense of Good Health.

So, we’re sharing with you our seven top tips for a healthier, more relaxed, more enjoyable holiday season: 


This is essential!

Ask yourself honestly, what really must happen for you and your family to have a happy holiday? What are the most important traditions and what can you eliminate? Maybe you don’t need to send out a homemade card and letter to 450 of your closest friends. What if this year you send 50, or skip it all together? Just because you’ve always dressed the kids up on Christmas Eve and schlepped to Aunt Margaret's party doesn’t mean you can’t spend this one at home in your pajamas. Traditions are hard to let go of. But sometimes the pressure to preserve holiday traditions can outweigh the joy they bring. You may realize something you always felt obligated to do has become a burden. 

2. Just Say “No”

It gets easier with practice.

During the holidays we want to say “yes” to everything. It’s so easy to go overboard with entertaining, parties, events and invitations as well as that extra drink or slice of cake. This year give yourself permission to say “no” to at least one event, maybe more. Look at your calendar and decide in advance. And try to indulge without overconsuming. Treating yourself is great, but overindulging in sugary foods and alcohol around the holidays can leave you feeling tired and depressed. If you feel you’re making choices in heightened emotional states, try Mood Boost, our essential oil blend developed with our trusted friend, dietitian Kim Shapira. It will assist you in making choices while feeling calm and rational. And prepare in advance for a few inevitable “big nights” by keeping a packet of our Renew Patches in the medicine cabinet.  

3. Get Organized Early

Stick to a plan.

Get a calendar and sit down with the list of your prioritized events and tasks. Realistically plan when everything will happen. Planning early is how you’ll avoid chaos later on. You might realize it’s not actually possible to achieve everything you had your heart set on - but that’s ok! Remember, the goal is to enjoy your holidays.

4. Maintain Healthy Holiday Habits

You’ll thank us in January.

With all the parties, trips to the mall and general running around, the holidays are when most of us get side-tracked from our healthy eating, exercise and moderation. It’s OK to have a good time! But by making an extra effort to stick to some basic, healthy habits we come out of the holidays feeling fitter for the new year. 

We’ve learned that particularly during the festive season, a day will start mostly within our control and then somehow spiral out. Instead of fighting the phenomenon, we lean into it. Dinner may end up being champagne and pigs in a blanket, but chances are you’ll have more control when it comes to breakfast. Plan ahead, shop, meal-prep and do whatever it takes to have a hearty, healthy breakfast at home every morning. It will set you up for whatever else comes your way. On a similar note - make exercise part of your morning routine so it doesn’t get lost in the shuffle. 

5. Self Care

We mean it!

Of course, self-care is essential all year round, but for many of us, it’s the first thing to be neglected once the holiday season hits. The heightened activity, obligation and expectations can be overwhelming to our mind, body and spirit. Giving gets so much attention during the holidays it’s easy to forget to give back to yourself. We recommend focusing on the fundamentals of self-care: 

  • Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water and other non-alcoholic, non-caffeinated beverages throughout your day.
  • Don’t leave it to chance, plan your exercise ahead, even if it’s just a brisk walk.
  • Spend time with loved ones in a relaxed setting.
  • Pamper yourself. Treating yourself to a Magnesium Bath Soak, having a simple cup of tea or getting a massage can create a sense of calm and happiness.
  • Just stopping to take a few deep, cleansing breaths can reduce your level of negative stress in a matter of minutes.
  • Take a moment to self-soothe. Pop a Calm Mood Soothing Throat Lozenge in your mouth, close your eyes and focus on the small, simple pleasure. It will redirect your brain from feelings of stress or unease. s

6. Manage Expectation

Don’t let perfection be the enemy of good enough.

The holidays bring joy and happiness as well as frustration and stress. We sometimes let the special moments of simple joy pass right by us because we are too tired or too overwhelmed to be present. This holiday season, you may have many things to take care of, but the most important one is yourself. 

7. Be kind to yourself

We saved the best for last! 

All you can do is your best and your best is good enough. It’s impossible to please everyone, but we are often our own harshest critics. Remember that taking care of yourself can help make it easier for you to take care of others at the holidays and always. 

Happy Holidays, 

Tiffany & The Laki Naturals Team

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